Bridor de France
Bridor de France professional clients all have the same high requirements: uncompromising quality for pure butter croissants and crispy, tasty baguettes ; f i ne appearance, golden color and crispiness; the incisive fl avor of wheat and butter and a range of rich, delicate aromas in a natural product. From its beginnings 30 years ago as a Research Centre focusing on bakery, Bridor gradually shifted to the production of frozen pastries to meet increasing demand from the high-end market, in line with the core concept laid down by Louis le Duff (founder and chairman of Groupe Le Duff): “artisanal products combined with industrial management”. Located in Servon-sur-Vilaine in Brittany, Bridor de France produces a full range of enjoyable bakery products embodying French lifestyle and entertaining arts: elegance, refi nement, fl avors, pleasures, conviviality, and sharing. With Bridor latest clean label programme, they commit to protecting the people and also the environment.Their proposal of easy-to-understand recipes for all rounded products with only the essential ingredients, including the natural origin, naturally occurring colouring, aroma and texture-enhancing properties.
法國 Bridor de France 提供外脆內軟的法國純牛油製牛角酥、金黃色的長法包和一系列口感豐富而且精緻的食品,一直以來深受專業客戶的愛戴。30年前•Bridor由一家專注於麵包店研究中心逐漸轉向生產冷凍糕點 •路易.樂夫先生(Louis Le Duff)把人手製作的工藝與工業管理相結合•成就了優雅和精緻的麵包店和糕點,這便是法國人的生活態度。
Traiteur de Paris
At Traiteur de Paris, people are the heart of the business. Everyone involved is completely invested in their project, pouring their heart and soul into producing high-quality pastries and patisserie. Their Chefs select top quality ingredients. When they prioritize local French products (when using cream or butter for example) or select protected designation of origin products, such as Guerande salted caramel, Roussillon apricots, Sicilian lemons or Bourbon Vanilla. A lot of attention to detail is required when preparing their products, and many tasks are carried out by hand.
在Traiteur de Pars,人是莱移的核心,參與其中的每個人都全情投人,輩心傳力去生產高品質的糕點,他們的廚師選提最優質的食材,在已能的請況下,他們做先考庫法國當地產品(例如忌飛或牛油)或进擇受保護的原產地產品,如Guerande鹽焦糖,Roussilon杏脯、Sicillan
Founded in 1994, Panidor’s focus is on offering the market genuine products that respect the tradition and know-how of traditional bakery, using state of the art machinery, quality ingredients and of course... innovation! From a family business, it is now the number one manufacturer in Portugal in the area of frozen bakery products and pastries, present in almost all Portuguese homes and on all continents.
Panidor創立於1994年,以心製作、尊重傳統為理念,品牌秉承傳 統麵包店世代相傳的精湛手藝,採用先進的生產機械,優質上乘用 料,再配合創新思維,製作出真正具傳統風味的烘焙產品。 品牌從家族企業一直經營到現今成為葡萄牙首屈一指的急凍烘焙及 糕點產品生產商,產品供應範圍遍布葡萄牙及世界各地。
With Boncolac from French Southwestern Basque Country, FB Solution managed to source the most authentic and traditional French tarts, ready to serve and often pre-cut for maximum efficiency and cost control in operations. They also focus on food innovation and tech as demonstrates their famous flavoured and coloured bread layers collection, ideal for canapes and premium sandwiches.
FB Solution與來自法國西南巴斯克地區的Boncolac 合作多年,採購 最正宗和最傳統的法式甜撻。這些甜撻可預先切割,以提高營運效 率。
他們也致力於食品創新和技術,並透過麵包片系列展現他們著名的 風味和彩色,非常適合制作小糕點和高級三文治。
Mademoiselle Desserts & Delices des 7 Vallees
In order to provide consumers with top-of-the-line products, they strive for excellence. This requirement involves a meticulous selection of quality ingredients, the optimisation of their process and the well-being of their employees. Mademoiselle Desserts and D7V make steady, controlled progress, aimed at reducing the impact of their activities on the environment and social responsibility. From their large portfolio of gastronomic wonders, we selected their homemade-style muffins and entremets cakes ideal for banqueting.
為了提供頂級產品給消費者,他們盡心竭力追求卓越。 這項決心使他們精心挑選原料、改善流程,並專注於員工的健康。 Mademoiselle Desserts 和 D7V 建立了穩固且可控的流程,力求減少 自身活動對環境和社會責任的影響。 從他們豐富的目錄中,我們選擇了家常風格的瑪芬蛋糕和非常適合 舉辦宴會的圓形蛋糕 。
Mountbry crafted desserts started as a small Patisserie boutique with European inspiration. Exceptional skills and experience were gained handcrafting their quality pastries products with master chefs from beautiful North Island of New Zealand, they’re sourcing ideal dairy ingredients for crafting authentic & innovative cheesecake recipes and fine butter cookie dough.
Mountbry最初是製作甜點的小型糕點鋪,深受歐式風味啟發。他們 在打造優質糕點產品的過程中,掌握了傑出的技巧,並累積了豐富 的經驗,成為優秀的糕點主廚。他們不斷採購優良的乳製品原料, 以製作正宗和創新的芝士蛋糕和精美的曲奇麵團。
For the last 35 years, Pfalzgraf have delighted their customers with their frozen gateaux and cake creations. Bakers at Pfalzgraf are specially trained in old-world techniques of cake making. The use of the freshest ingredients, exclusively from certified suppliers bound by the strictest quality requirements, guarantee a product that is consistent and of the highest quality. Pfalzgraf uses real cream in the making of their authentic European style. Its rich, creamy texture and full-bodied color makes it a perfect complement to the cakes.
在過去的35年裡,Pfalzgraf 以其冷凍蛋糕取悅了無數顧客。Pfalzgraf 的製餅師接受過傳統蛋糕製作技術的專業培訓。品牌使用最新鮮的食 材,所有供應商都獲得嚴格質量要求約束的認證,保證了產品的一致 性和最高質量。Pfalzgraf 使用真正鮮奶油製成地道的歐洲風格蛋糕, 其豐富的奶油質地和濃郁的顏色完美帶出蛋糕精緻美感。
Dolceria Alba
Since 2006, Dolceria Alba, situated near Turin in Italy, has been crafting high-quality frozen desserts. Their mission is to share the delights of Italian desserts and patisserie with the world. The foundation of their products is built on carefully selected simple ingredients and traditional artisanal techniques.
自 2006 年以來,位於義大利都靈附近的 Dolceria Alba 一直致力於製 作高品質的冷凍甜點。他們的使命是與世界分享義大利甜點和糕點的 美味。他們的產品的基礎建立在精心挑選的簡單成分和傳統手工技術 的基礎上。
St Michel
Founded in 1905, St Michel remains a French family-owned company baking ancestral recipes of biscuits and traditional pastries. Famous in France among millions of kids who enjoyed tasting their famous Madeleines generations after generations, FB Solution is proud to bring in this delicious heritage of French Gastronomy.
St Michel從1905年創業至今,仍堅持由法國家族打理事業,並使用祖 傳配方烘焙餅乾和傳統糕點。風靡於法國,成千上萬、每家每代的孩 子都喜歡品嚐其著名的瑪德蓮,能夠把這種地道和美味的法國美食帶 入到市場,FB Solution為此感到自豪。
Poppies Bakeries
Poppies Bakeries started their family baking tradition in 1935 in the heart of Flanders Fields, Belgium. Among their network of workshops, FB Solution selected one in France, crafting excellent and attractive donuts.
Poppies Bakeries 於1935年在比利時開展家庭式烘焙,並製作了不同 的傳統的甜甜圈。 FB Solution在其眾多的產品中,選擇了位於法國的 工場製作,精美且誘人的甜甜圈。
Alysse Food
Established in 1995, Alysse Foods is a leading producer of frozen convenience foods, specializing in American-inspired pastries. Their products are crafted in Belgium with a focus on affordability and accessibility, ensuring that our customers can enjoy a quick and easy indulgence. Alysse Foods take pride in delivering reliable and convenient frozen food options that meet the highest standards of food safety.
它在1995年建立,Alysse食品已成為具有美國風味的甜點的冷凍專家 。所有產品均採用比利時的材料,讓您體驗美味的時刻!
Les delices du chef
For those seeking authentic French flavors, Delices du Chef offers a range of frozen crepes, produced in Brittany, North-West France.
Delices du Chef believes that the key to creating delicious and authentic French cuisine is using only the finest ingredients. Their skilled cooks carefully select top-quality raw materials to create traditional and authentic recipes, ensuring that their products are of the highest quality and taste.
Delices du Chef 為追求純正法式風味的廚師提供一系列冷凍薄煎餅, 產自法國西北部的Brittany地區。Delices du Chef相信製作美味而正 宗的法國料理關鍵在於使用最優質的食材。他們的廚師團隊精心挑 選優質原材料,創造傳統而正宗的食譜,確保產品的質素和口味卓 越。
Masdeu is dedicated to the production of a wide and creative variety of food bases designed to be filled, such as tartlets, wafers, mini waffle cones and sponge cake sheets. The product portfolio is aimed at serving sector professionals, and on an international scale, an area of specialisation in which Masdeu has years of experience.
Masdeu 致力於生產和設計用於填充的創意料理材料,例如餡餅、威 化餅、迷你窩夫甜筒和海綿蛋糕片。 Masdeu 擁有多年經驗,在國際 間為業界專業人士提供服務。
d aucy
D’Aucy guarantees top quality and traceability of its products. D’Aucy ensures this guarantee by controlling all the stages of the production: from the farmer’s Ƽeld to the consumer’s plate.
多蔬保證其產品的最高品質和可追溯性。從農民的田地到消費者的 餐盤,透過控制生產的所有階段來確保產品品質。
La fruitiere
La Fruitiere du Val Evel was founded in 1962 by the Guillemin Family, who wanted to promote their own red berries including 2 exceptional raspberries: the "Meco" Raspberry and the Tayberry. Today, La Fruitiere du Val Evel continues its story right where it began, on the hillside of Val Evel in Brittany (France). However, it is also actively engaged worldwide, establishing direct relationship with producers who carefully select high-quality fruits and exceptional terroirs. This long-term commitment serves as your assurance of quality.
La Fruitiere du Val Evel 於 1962 年由 Guillemin 家族創立,他們希望 推廣自己的紅色漿果,其中包括兩種特殊的覆盆子:Meco和 Tayberry。如今,La Fruitiere du Val Evel 在其起源地,位於法國布 列塔尼 Val Evel 的山坡上,繼續其故事。此外,它也在全球範圍內積 極參與,與精心挑選優質水果和特殊風土的生產商建立直接關係, 是您的品質保證。
Cocotine is a brand of premium frozen egg products that caters to a wide range of culinary applications. As a cooperative brand, Cocotine is proud to work with more than 230 farmers who produce exceptional quality eggs. With six production sites located across France, each specializing in a specific range of egg products, Cocotine ensures complete traceability of all its products from start to finish. Whether you require omelets or liquid eggs, we invite you to discover our new range of premium egg products.
Cocotine是一個優質冷凍蛋製品品牌。作為合作品牌,Cocotine與超 過230間農場合作,生產優質的蛋製品。在法國設有六個生產基地, 每個專注於特定的蛋製品。Cocotine所有產品從始至終都可追溯。無 論是製作奄列或液體蛋,都歡迎到來發掘這些全新的優質蛋製品。
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