June 2, 2020
5 tips to make the most of your Breakfast Buffet
Hotel breakfast is one of the most important services that a hotel offers. Discover a few tips to enhance your guests experience.

Plating inspirations with Traiteur de Paris Cheesecake
A cinnamon crumble, delicately covered with a traditional cheesecake mix (cream, cheese, sugar, eggs and lemon), to top or plate as is – to delight your guests and leave them a delicious memory!

September 18, 2019
5 triggers to boost your creativity as a Chef!
Despite your heavy management duties, you must still find the time and head space to remain creative. These research findings may actually help you.

July 26, 2019
7 reasons to become a Chef!
What makes a career as a chef so much in demand? In one single answer: the love of food! Nevertheless, we bring you the top 7 reasons to consider a career as a Chef!